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Request an Offer from Fox Head

We buy Oklahoma oil & gas leases

Let us make you a free "no obligation" offer.

There are four ways that we can start the process to provide
you with a cash offer for your royalty.

1.   You can mail us with the Offer Supmission Information below.
            Fox Head Oil  & Gas Co.
            320 S. Boston Ave., Suite 807
            Tulsa, OK        74103

2.   You can mail a detailed check stub to our address -
            Fox Head Oil  & Gas Co.
            320 S. Boston Ave., Suite 807
            Tulsa, OK        74103

3.   You can call us  (918-582-2603)  and provide the information asked for below.

4.   You can Email us   [email protected].

             One of our professional team members will contact you shortly after hearing from you.


 Oklahoma oil gas leases

own working interest
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